Shawn Coyne's The Story Grid: What Good Editors Know has snowballed from a much-loved book to three podcasts, blogs, courses, certified editors, and a publishing house! There is a ton of value to be found in the Story Grid Universe, but with SO MUCH content, where do you start?
Consider starting here with my Guide to Starting with the Story Grid! The good news is, everything in the published book (The Story Grid) can be found on the website, if you know where to look. While the website has improved recently, with a "Start Here" section, there is a lot of gold buried in the blog archives. In the downloadable pdf below, I highlight the podcast episodes and blogs that have made the biggest difference in my own writing journey.
One article in particular Writing Scenes That Work truly transformed my writing process. I read this article, and then edited the first scene of my pirate romance novella. You can see the before-and-after in this post: How I used the Story Grid to Edit my Scene