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writer, nomad, authortuber, story nerd

Character building process | Worksheets, research & the craft books I use
Can you call your book a heist? | Editing with genre reader expectations | Author interview
EVERYTHING you need to know about The Story Grid's masterwork analysis books
Writer solo travel vlog in Asia | Visiting the DMZ, writing in airports, and designer shoes
Adverbs aren't cancelled. | Dissecting Stephen King's famous writing advice
I didn't know I was querying?! | Querying vlog Nicole Wilbur
Let's write DIALOGUE: more conflict, more character, more energy!
OUTLINING a multi-POV YA novel and creating SCENES -- (because I'm stuck!)

CHECK OUT my freebie supplementary writing goodies 


By day, I am a computer engineer who designs for healthcare and early morning, I am a novel, play, and short story writer. 

A self-proclaimed "story nerd", I love diving deep into my favourite books, TV shows, and musicals - you can find more info on that on the 'Writing freebie' page!

I write YA contemporary, action/adventure heists, and adult historical fiction. In 2023, my goal is to dip my toe into the query trenches and I will share the journey every step of the way!

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Once a month, I'll send out a (hopefully) entertaining email including writing lessons learned, some behind the scenes glimpses, motivation, and an occasional freebie. You can check out an example newsletter here!

 Say yes to a party in your inbox.

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